A Chat with Miesje Chafer
Our workshop schedule for autumn and winter is packed with so many talented teachers!
Join us as we have a chat with these creative folks to find out more about them and their upcoming workshop at Stag & Bow.
Join us as we have a chat with these creative folks to find out more about them and their upcoming workshop at Stag & Bow.
Meet Miesje Chafer, textile designer, screen printer and maker! Miesje is known for her vibrant use of patterns and colours, and we had a chat about her inspiring journey, unique style, and exciting projects. We're wild about her colourful creations, we're welcoming her to host two crafty classes at Stag & Bow this autumn. Come and get creative with a Paper Garland Workshop and Beaded Ring Workshop!

Hi! Let's start by learning a little more about you!
Hello! My name is Miesje and I'm a designer, maker and artist from Southsea in Hampshire. I got started by attending a 3 day screen printing course in London - at the time it was just for fun and I had no aspirations of making career from it, but I got completely hooked and 13 years later here I am!
We love your use of colour and pattern! How would you describe your style and inspiration?
I find that such a tricky question to answer as I don't actively go out looking for inspiration, but I think it's fair to say that I am influenced by mid-century design, especially the furniture and textiles of that period. I am also very drawn to folk art and Scandinavian design, it's probably the simple, contrasting colours and patterns that appeal to me.
You have two fun workshops coming up at Stag & Bow, what can folks look forward to?

What is one of your earliest textile memories?
Mmmm I think when I was about 5 years old, sitting in my grandparents sitting room with a Knitting Nancy - one of those wooden figures that you use to make a knitted cord. I seem to remember learning to knit when I was relatively young too, although I have a terrible memory so I can't remember anything specific I would have made!

You have two fun workshops coming up at Stag & Bow, what can folks look forward to?
Lots of fun and colour! The garland workshop is great if you love paper craft, it's all a bit chaotic but everyone always manages to produce the most beautiful garlands - even if they haven't sewn before. The beaded rings workshop will be a be little calmer, but it's an addictive and soothing craft and it's lovely to produce something fun to wear.

What can we to see next from you?
I've been doing a lot of beading, I'm currently working on a range of beaded earrings which I am SUPER excited about, but it's taken me a while to find my way with it and I'm still not quite ready to launch them but watch this space!